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EVOLVE16: Steve Wozniak at Evolve16


Xamarin Evolve is the largest cross-platform mobile event in the world, where over 1,500 developers, industry leaders, and Xamarin experts converge to advance the state of the art, discuss mobile strategy, and define the future of apps. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see tech legends Steve Wozniak and Miguel de Icaza on stage together, sharing their…

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No Silver Bullet: “Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering” | By: Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.


Of all the monsters that fill the nightmares of our folklore, none terrify more than werewolves, because they transform unexpectedly from the familiar into horrors. For these, one seeks bullets of silver that can magically lay them to rest. The familiar software project, at least as seen by the nontechnical manager, has something of this…

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.NET Core


.NET Core 1.0  .NET Core 1.0 is a major new investment in the future of .NET and laying the foundation for decades to come. Still, it is in its early stage, and for some time you might still focus .NET Framework 4.6 depending on your application needs. But for many scenarios, especially in cloud/server scenarios, it…

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Architecture of .NET Framework


.NET Framework is developed by Microsoft. The .NET Framework is Microsoft platform for Software Development. It provides a Universal Platform that let Microsoft Developers Program in same way and with the same languages regardless of whether for working for the Web, for Desktop or for Mobile. There’re also class libraries available for particular type of…

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IBM Watson: Coping with Humans – A Support Group for Bots


IBM Watson is a cognitive system that’s ushering in the new era of cognitive business. Recently, a group of battered science fiction bots spoke about their yen to take over the world and their dislike for working with humans. Unlike them, Watson works with humans to outthink competitors, challenges, limits. After competing against the two…

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Chaseable Live Tiles: Microsoft Introduce New Live Tiles


During the Build 2016 conf, Microsoft introduced the new live tile called the Chaseable Live Tiles. That will totally changed the Live tile experience in Windows. From the Chaseable Live Tiles, users will be able to directly navigate to a content or item that is shown on the title. That would really help developers to get their users…

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