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Skills - page 2

This Category is all about Skills… : – )

Hands-On with Supervised & Unsupervised Learning | Machine Learning


Motivation In Machine Learning, all types including supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning have their own way of implementation. Let’s do hands-on with them; Supervised Learning It’s the “Task Driven” (Predict next value). Here, we teach the model! then with that knowledge, it can predict unknown or future instances. Let’s implement the simple code in the jupeter…

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Programming with Python


Motivation In order to do proper hands-on with a new language, it’s important to understand each part of it by applying live examples. Hence its syntax fully clear. Let’s start by playing with functions; Functions Simply create an add_numbers a function that takes two numbers and adds them together; add_numbers updated to take an optional 3rd parameter. add_numbers updated…

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A Structure is a container, it can hold a bunch of variables. These variables can be of any type. It is a user defined data type used to group related data (i.e. variables) Each variable in a structure can have similar or different data type than other variables of that structure. Structures-Basic data types: char,…

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